we have water!

temporary overflow pipe; will remove this when we hook up

So we finally hired an awesome guy to install our spring box after months of searching for someone who could do it. I was surprised that there didn’t seem to be anyone that did this professionally in an area where so many homes use springs and springboxes for their water supply. We were told by a few people to do it ourselves, and it seems our neighbors who have lived on the mountain forever most likely dug their springboxes themselves years ago. However after doing some Continue reading

update on the land prep!


I have been meaning to write up a blog post about our progress with getting our land ready to move to, but we have been pretty busy! So here goes! Unfortunately, we accidentally hired a con man to bush hog a portion of our land and build a spring box for our water supply. We found out he was a con man from a post in a local group online the same day we wrote him a partial check for materials for the spring box, and luckily we were able to put a stop payment on the check. He ended up ripping off the check cashing store… Continue reading

the bumbleshack is soon to be the bumbleshack FARM!

Big news from the Bumbleshack!! After several months of searching, we found an awesome piece of land to put our tiny house on! But it is so much more than just a piece of land!! It is totally unrestricted, amid pastoral beauty, at 3700 feet elevation on the side of a beautiful mountain, just under 2 acres with almost 200 feet of rushing creek, an abundant spring, mature (HUGE) fruit producing apple trees, grape vines and a 100 year old 720 square foot house that we plan to renovate. Continue reading

tiny house family looking for land or farm to rent for 6 months near asheville!

Exciting news, everyone!! We will be moving into the Bumbleshack ALOT sooner than we expected! Why, you ask? Because hubby got a job in Asheville! He was looking for jobs in the future because he planned to stay with his … Continue reading

bumbleshack delivery week

Lisa and Hazy on delivery day

Lisa and Hazy on delivery day

So I finally have some time to sit down and write a blog post about the Bumbleshack delivery! It was a really crazy week with both the delivery and the 4th of July holiday, which is also our oldest daughter’s birthday. We originally thought the Bumbleshack was going to arrive on Saturday, but Joe had some truck issues and had to spend an extra night in Atlanta. Luckily, it was an easy fix, and he was able to get here on Sunday before noon. I got video of  his arrival, driving the tiny house over the bridge next to our house. It was so exciting! Here is a link to the video on our Facebook page.

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