We’re baaaack!! Did you miss us?!?! π
I know, I know…we moved into our tiny house and then disappeared! It’s been a crazy few months setting up the house, getting used to living in Asheville…and the girls and I have been traveling back and forth to Florida too. Oh, and then there was the issue of not having internet for the first couple of months! Excuses, excuses. It won’t happen again, I promise!
So we moved the tiny house, hubby and the two cats up to Asheville the week before Halloween, which you know about if you follow our Facebook page, and Adelaide, Hazel, Hank and I followed later…and it’s been an adventure ever since! Instead of telling you everything that has happened since we moved in, I thought I would give you a little photo montage with captions instead. I will write more detailed posts later about leveling the house, our grey water disposal, freezing pipes, cooking in a tiny house and organizing the house so we don’t go crazy in the small space. Here goes! (click the photos to enlarge and then scroll through)
- The girls, Hank the Tank and I on our way to Asheville!
- We left 80 degree weather in Florida and drove up to this!
- Our beautiful swimming hole
- Our sweet neighbors
- Rescued horses
- Got a carrot?
- Tall snow covered pines
- Hazy loves being outdoors
- Adelaide on Halloween, scary!
- Off for a walk with Hank
- The whole gang is going
- Hazy loves to collect sticks
- Crazy mountain girl
- Hangin’ out behind the Bumbleshack
- Taking a break from decorating for Christmas
- Spray painted pine cones as outdoor Christmas decorations
- Our little house in the woods
- The girls exploring the property
- Tall trees all around us
- Studio/homeschool/teenager hangout
- The girls on the front stoop before the deck was built
- I don’t have an oven yet, so the crockpot is my best friend. Check out the beautiful organic carrots!
- Dinner is served! Perfect dish for a cold night.
- Who needs a bath tub when you have a “bath box”!
- Hangin’ out, playin’
- Dinner time!
- French Broad Chocolate Lounge
- Girls’ night out
- This was taken in Florida, but I included it because she looks so cute with her helmet on!
- My hat, shoe, scarf and glove storage solution
- Playtime!
- Naptime in the loft
- More sticks!
- Yes, I am pretty sure every tiny house has a guitar mounted on the wall.
- Abby napping in The Bumbleshack
- Stalker shot through the front door
- This is how Coby climbs down from the loft, arrrggghhh
- Sleepy kitty
- Big dog in a tiny house
- Posing for the camera
- Toy storage
- Campfires every night
- Re-leveling the house!
- Frozen dog water bowl
- Don’t stand on the couch!
- Smashing up ice puddles
- Great homemade swingset on the property
- Swinging with Hank
- My Valentine’s Day gift, a walking stick specimen from New Guinea!
- Hubby working from home on a snow day
- Cats can go anywhere in a tiny house!
- More snow! We decided to leave the Christmas lights up all year.
- Hank the Tank says “I love snow, I love snow!”
- Currier & Ives, anyone?
- The snow just melts away from our heated hose, so awesome!
- Snow poof
- Snow melts off of our heated shed where the instant hot water heater is
- Hubby’s DEEP footprint
- Ice skating, anyone?
- Shot out the window
- We can almost ice skate
- Winter wonderland
So there you have it! Stay tuned for a video tour of the house and our setup soon. It’s a work in progress! π
I for one have missed you and was wondering how you were doing. LOVE the pictures! And because I’m like you, I love the stick bug too! ha ha I enjoyed going through the gorgeous pictures. Do you have any of the trees after you decorated with pine cones for Christmas? I bet they were so pretty. Thank you so much for giving us a peek into your very large tiny world. Best wishes!
Hi, Cheri! Thank you! Yes, I do have some photos somewhere of the pine cones in the trees…will dig those up!
Where did you end up finding a place to park? I’m looking to go tiny too!
Hey, Meghan! Did I just meet you on our Facebook page? π I just realized that I never blogged about the piece of property we chose, but I posted it on our Facebook page here – https://www.facebook.com/thebumbleshack/posts/1476846755927902
Wow, that’s great! I’m so happy for you guys. How in the world do you manage to feed four in that tiny fridge? I’m struggling because we end up with a lot of leftovers, so we eat through the week or I freeze it for lunches later.
There is only two. well, three of us. But we are working toward living a more tiny life to simplify. The fridge is one of our biggest struggles. Plus not having privacy to ourselves.
Thoughts? Experience? I love your land, it’s beautiful and amazing! I’m very happy for you guys!
Hi, Audrey! We actually have 2 fridges, and it STILL isn’t enough room! When we move to our new property, I think we might get a bigger fridge and put it in the shed…and maybe a chest freezer too. Once I start gardening and canning, we will definitely need more room for food! Thank you for the well wishes!!
Hi! I just found your FB page and blog through TN Tiny Houses. I live in TN near them and have very interested in this way of life. I have a family of 3 so the loft setup has been a lingering concern of mine, since my husband too is tall. He’s 6’2″, so I’m not sure how loft sleeping works. I don’t see any photos of your sleeping loft that you share with your husband, but saw an early photo stating that you guys wouldn’t be sleeping up there. So….where do you both sleep??? Thanks for sharing the details of the Bumbleshack!
Howdy! We actually sleep on the first floor, our youngest is in the loft, and our oldest is in her own tiny cabin next door. Our couch pops up into a bed π
I love your blog and all the photos! I found your blog through the picture of your TH shower on pinterest and absolutely fell in LOVE with it. I am trying to design my own TH and I am having the hardest time designing the shower. Do you know what materials are used in your shower? I am especially curious about the shower floor.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you so much, Alana! Our shower walls are made of cedar shingles painted with marine grade paint, and the floor is made of Trex-like boards that are screwed down over a shower pan. The only weird thing is that you have to unscrew the boards to clean the shower drain, but we have only had to do that once in a year and a half of living in it. Good luck to you on designing your shower!